The 2018 Canadian National Whippet Specialty Show
This year the Canadian National Whippet Specialty was held right here in Ontario, in beautiful Long Sault, near Cornwall. A National...

My two loves
I just love this picture of Bob holding Grace, I could look at it all day! It was not staged, I was out in the back yard lurking around...

Donnie is GRAND!
I spent my birthday weekend doing what I love best, showing dogs! This time Karen and I headed North for the Barrie Kennel Club shows...

2018 American Whippet Club Mid-West Specialty
Our July highlight is always the American Whippet Club Mid-West Specialty in beautiful Madison Ohio. This year was a hot one, but with...

A wow weekend at Sarnia KC!
Karen and I took the young girls to the Sarnia Kennel Club shows over the weekend, and I’m pleased to say that they both won in turns and...

Puppy Reunion!
While I enjoy the dog shows, this past weekend was the really fun stuff ... a puppy reunion!! One year ago today our lovely Paris...