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BPISS Ch. Wunder Living The Dream
Pedigree Link
Comet is sired by Magnus, out of our beautiful Donnie daughter Vixen. He is everything we hoped for when we brought these two lines together, moderate and balanced with beautiful shape, exceptional movement and a happy outgoing temperament.
Comet finished his Championship quickly, winning some very nice placements including Winners Dog, Best BBE and BBE Hound Group 1st at the Great Lakes Whippet Club booster, Winners Dog and Best of Opposite over some lovely specials at the Whippet Club of Eastern Canada Specialty, and Best of Winners, Best Puppy and Best BBE in Specialty at the Canadian National Specialty to finish his Championship. His first time out as a special, Comet won the Breed and Puppy Hound Group 1st in a beautiful lineup at Aurora KC.
Comet has had a great start in the US show ring as well, winning Best In Sweepstakes at the Cuyahoga Valley Hound show, Best of Winners and Best Puppy at the 2023 AWC MidWest Specialty for a 5-point major, and winning two more majors at the Great American Dog Show in Chicago in January. We are so excited to see what the future has in store for this handsome young dog!
Comet Fun Facts: Comet's registered name was inspired by his 2x great grand dam Thalia. I had chosen the registered name Living The Dream for her, but decided to name her Leap of Faith instead after learning she would need surgery and likely never be shown. In spite of her injury, I have realized so many dreams thanks the generations down from her. It seemed appropriate to finally give the name to this handsome great-great grandson.